Beiträge von deltabi

    Versuchen Sie es mit der G-Taste: Sie hält den aktuellen Gang länger, insbesondere bei niedrigen Motordrehzahlen.


    Sorry for writing in english, but I don't speak german.
    I have your same problem with my CRF1100 ATAS ES DCT. I've found that switching the fog lights off before starting the engine bypass the problem. Actually I switch the fog lights off before powering off the engine (when I arrive) so at the next start I've already the fog lights off, I simply start the engine and then power on the fog lights.
    It looks like the bike has some problem providing all the power needed to start the engine in some situation (especially when cold). This is confirmed by an Honda dealer (which is also a friend). I think the electronics, when starting the engine, tries to save energy by switching off some devices (eg. fog lights) but then "forgets" to power them up again.
    For sure the bike needs some software update (see also the DRL lights problem).

    You can't change it even when the headset is connected? Pretty strange... it looks like the bike "thinks" it's still connected as a rider headset...
    I would try resetting the TFT to factory settings, removing all pairings, and try again.

    Sorry for writing in english, but I don't speak german.

    To make the Sena a rider headset, you must, after having connected the headset, go in "Settings > Bluetooth > Headset Pairing "
    Choose the Sena S20Evo headset, then you'll have two option: the first one marks the headset as "rider".
    Hope this helps.

    Hello, Lele.

    Yes, I'm from the north-western part of the italian Alps.
    English is okay, thank you.