Ich wurde von dem Moderator Sean Donnelly des Amerikanischen AT Forums angeschrieben, mit der Bitte an die deutschsprachigen AT Eigner, welche das Lackproblem im Tank haben, auf der folgenden Webseite https://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/VehicleComplaint/ eine Beschwerde auf Englisch einzureichen, so das diese amerikanische Behörde "National Highway Traffic Safety Administration" (NHTSA) daraus dann ein weltweites Fass aufmachen kann. Ziel ist es, einen weltweiten Rückruf der fehlerhaften AfricaTwins zu erreichen.
Der Aufruf kommt von der NHTSA und wird wohl von den Forums Usern des amerikanischen Forum genutzt um ein Sprachrohr zu bilden.
Ob Ihr das machen wollt, oder euch das etwas bringt, müsst ihr selbst entscheiden.
Hier Teile des Original Textes:
ZitatAlles anzeigenHello, I apologize in advance, but I don't speak the language and am trying to use translator software to translate some posts on your forum. I wished to share some information with your forum members, so thought that I would reach out to you.
... We have a number of users who have dealt with the tank problem with the Adventure Sports model, including myself. Twice now for me.
Several of us in the United States have filed a complaint with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). This is our Government Branch who is responsible for investigating vehicle defects and safety reports from owners. Based on their investigation, they will decide whether to open an investigation. Several of us have received a call from NHTSA last week stating that they are opening an investigation and wish to hear from all Africa Twin Adventure Sports owners regardless of country of residence. They claim that because the motorcycle is sold internationally, that any recall trigged by their investigation would result in a global recall.
NHTSA asks that anyone experiencing an issue with this motorcycle to please file a report with them so that they may add this to their database during their investigation.