CRF1100L ATAS ES DCT pulls to the right

  • #1

    My english is better than my german, so I write in english.

    I have a CRF1100L ATAS ES DCT '20, and when I take my hands of the handlebar, the bike pulls to the right a little bit (on a really flat road of course ;)).

    Some people say because of the (euro5) heavy exhaust and/or the 10kg extra weight of the DCT on the right side.

    Anyone else the same experience?

    Ich benutze Google Translate :zwinker: .

  • #7

    It is because of the exhaust and the placement of the gears - towards right back (seen from riders perspective). If you transfer your own weight slightly towards left, you will be able to stabilize it properly. But unfortunately then you're out of the wind protection :(

    I try this quite often, it helps distributing your luggage accordingly. Someone here - I don't have the thread at hand - created his own luggage system just to have a rack and small case on the left side, slightly lighter than the exhaust. So if he fills it, the weight is distributed evenly on both sides.

  • #10

    My bike does not (ATAS DCT) (only if the pub is on the right side).

    GvG At what speed does it ?

    My one starts to wobble, if I drive to slow. At 50 upwards, stable.

    NT 1100 DCT 2022 mit SW Version 2.20, TT Rider 550

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